An academic year abroad is an unforgettable experience one will treasure always. If such programs were a universal requirement in the education of every American student, the incidences of political, ethnic and racial intolerance in our society could be dramatically reduced. Total immersion in a foreign culture tends to broaden one's perspective and foster understanding of our global brethren.
On the following pages, you will find listings for 177 institutions and organizations offering study abroad programs in France. The majority of these are sponsored by colleges and universities throughout the U.S., in addition to a number of independent organizations and agencies, a few of which are based in France. Finally, four of the listings represent programs for students at the secondary school level (AACE, AFS, Choate Rosemary Hall, and School Year Abroad). Nearly half of the schools represented offer programs in Paris, while the remainder are distributed in cities throughout "provincial" France.
Admission to a French higher education institution
In more than twenty countries, an online, dematerialized application procedure has been set up. This procedure must be followed to obtain a student visa. In other countries, contact the institutions of your choice directly
CampusFrance also offers CampusArt, an online application process available worldwide and intended for students who have already completed at least three years of art studies in their own countries.
Mandatory online procedure
The new online application procedure is now operational in some twenty countries.
This system enables students to complete the admission procedure by computer, continually interacting with their country's CampusFrance office and the many participating French education institutions.
In the countries concerned which do not belong to the European Union, this new tool must be used in order to obtain a student visa.
Enrolling in a French university in the first year of study : the preliminary application for admission.
Students who hold a foreign secondary school diploma and wish to enroll in a French university for the first year of study must file a preliminary application of admission (demande d'admission préalable: DAP) with the cultural services of the French Embassy in their country of residence. In the twenty some countries mentioned above, the application procedure is completed online.
The procedure begins in January each year and follows a very strict calendar.
To find out more
Online application with CampusArt
The internet site www.campusart.org provides access (under certain conditions) to programs at the Licence (Bachelor), Master 1 and Master 2 levels, offered by a network of educational institutions coordinated by CampusFrance.
The site offers general information on art studies in France and can help guide you towards a higher school of art or applied arts, towards a public or private school or towards a university.
The art programs included mainly concern the CREATION of ART – visual arts, design, visual communication, as well as fashion, interior design, etc. and therefore most of the member institutions are higher schools of art; however, some university programs in ART THEORY and in ART MANAGEMENT are also offered (see the explanations on the website).
Once you have selected a program, you then apply online, through a quick, interactive process by which a single application is valid for the entire network.
You will be notified as to whether or not you have been accepted to a program by the end of March (applications must be sent in before the end of February) thus giving you time to apply for a scholarship or a visa and to prepare for your stay.
This service is completely free of charge up until the applicant decides to accept an offer of admission to a program.
This online application process is available worldwide. Currently, in countries using the mandatory paperless procedure, a second electronic file must be prepared to obtain the student visa where necessary
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