STUDY ABROAD GREECE is dedicated to providing a student-friendly, easily-navigated directory for all those who wish to explore the rich historical and artistic heritage of the world’s oldest democracy. Whether your time of study is concentrated in art study abroad on the mainland or study abroad programs in Greece on one of the many wonderful Greek islands, the Greek people, always open and friendly, will do the most they can to make your educational and cultural stay a meaningful one.

The website has been designed to provide not only a listing of academic opportunities, but all the essential additional information and important details for a successful study abroad in Greece. This site has tried to pay attention to all those concerns which are foremost in students’ minds when preparing to study abroad in Europe. Whether you are a student of the Arts wishing to expand your talents in study Art in Greece, study Painting, study Creative Writing, study Theatre, study Sculpture, or study Photography, or a student seeking to expand his/her knowledge of Philosophy, Women’s Studies, Archaeology, History, Language or International Business, we provide the map to help you find your way in selecting from the many study abroad programs in Greece.
The Greeks of the classic age believed strongly in individual freedom as long as one acted within the laws of the society. This allowed not only artists, but the average citizen the chance to excel in any direction they chose. |  | Individuality, as the Greeks viewed it, was the center of all community and based on that ideal they worked towards excellence in their endeavors, no matter what the challenge. This creative drive for excellence was perhaps the reason the Greeks were able to achieve such phenomenal accomplishments – monuments which astound us to this day! Students coming to Greece will find, as they explore the wonderful grounds of the Acropolis and the Agora below, that this spirit of place walks with them as they stroll the ancient cobblestones. When meandering through the colorful lanes of the classic Plaka District, visitors will be amazed by the energy and openness of activity that seems to transcend time. In the spring, summer, and fall months especially one can find the Greeks eating and engaging in conversation late into the night.
A former student of study abroad in Greece writes: “Coming into Athens was incredible. I had heard about and seen photos of the Acropolis and the Parthenon, but I never imagined that one day I would see it perched so majestically high up on a hill in the center of the city. I had gone to Greece as a Business student wanting to broaden my perspectives and understanding of a different culture; so, after checking in at Athens Backpackers I headed for the Plaka, a sort of Greenwich Village area nestled beneath the Acropolis. I found there a little square named Fillemousa (friend of music). Next to what became my favorite café was one of those little kiosks, where I bought a telephone card to call home cheaply, an island guidebook to see where my study abroad program was located, and Classical Sites guide. What would I do tomorrow, I wondered, as I opened it up, thinking I would simply get up early and see everything. Well, it definitely took more than one day! But I managed to takes photos at the Parthenon as my parents wanted; do some sketching in my drawing book at the National Archeological Museum and the Benaki Museum; visit an ancient Amphitheater; take a bus down to the beach and to the Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion. Surprisingly, I never got tired of the Cultural Activities. But Greece is definitely the perfect balance of serious study and fun. After a short nap I headed out of my hostel with two girls from University of Vermont for the Sound and Light show at the Acropolis, which we then followed by a midnight dinner at a bouzouki garden café where dined on grilled octopus, sang along with my new friends, and learned the Greek word when making a toast: yiamas! |
Study Abroad Programs in Greece The links on this page will lead you to a variety of Study Abroad Programs opportunities in Greece. We have carefully selected only those programs which provide full-service websites with complete information about program location, offerings, fees, and so forth. |  | |  | We advise students to go directly to the website and read through its presentation with care in order to understand as fully as possible the nature of the program they are considering.
The American University Programs (including those which are sponsored or affiliated) offer accredited courses and financial aid transfer. The list compiled here by represents those which are well-known and with a proven history of reliability.
Major International Study Abroad Consortia represents study abroad opportunities in both Greece and worldwide.
Independent Study Abroad lists programs which may or may not be affiliated with higher education institutions, but which can offer interesting alternatives and a rewarding academic experience.
Cultural, Site, and Environmental Programs lists opportunities for experiencing the richness of Greece, Europe’s most unspoiled study abroad destination.
| Attatched is the Study in Greece Guide :
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