The mission of the Harvard French Scholarship Fund is to provide financial aid to French students who study at Harvard University, through gifts and loans. The HFSF is solely funded by Harvard Alumni.
How to Apply to the HFSF
Selection of HFSF grant recipients
Every successful applicant to one of Harvard University's schools of graduate education (Business School, Law School, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Design, Kennedy School of Government, School of Public Health etc.) can apply for a grant from the HFSF. They should apply through the general fellowship application procedure of the Commission Franco-Américaine, the French representation of the Fulbright Commission.
Applicants who have missed the deadline set by the Commission Franco-Américaine can still apply for the HFSF grant only by submitting an application file directly to Severine Peyrichou at the Commission Franco-Américaine: speyrichou@fulbright-france.org. They should use the same application file as the standard one used by the Commission franco-americaine, and they should specify in their email to Severine Peyrichou that they want to benefit from the Late Application Procedure (LAP) authorized by the HFSF.
As a rule, financial aid applicants should enter in contact with the Commission Franco-Américaine as soon as they submit their application for admission to Harvard. The Commission can provide advice on different sources of financial aid and selection criteria. If the applicant has not been in contact with the Commission, (s)he must contact the HFSF in late March at the latest, and only after receiving a confirmed admission offer from Harvard.
The Financial Aid Committee reviews applications for all financial aid applicants (both those who went through the Commission Franco-Américaine and those who applied directly to the HFSF) in early May. By mid-May, applicants whose files were preselected are invited for an interview with the Financial Aid Committee in late May-early June. The interviews last 30 minutes. The Committee's final decisions on grant awards are notified to the applicants the following day.
Useful links:
The funding of graduate studies at Harvard is an ambitious project that requires many efforts from applicants. The Commission Franco-Américaine is the logical starting point. Its website is a valuable source of information.http://www.fulbright-france.com
Specific information about Harvard and its different schools can be found at:
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